Friday, March 14, 2008

Quick Thought: Q&A

Temptation is weird. Even if I don't do something, I still feel bad thinking about wanting to do something. But, for the sake of my spiritual sanity, I've tried to think of temptation a little differently: as a question.

Don't you want to...? Wouldn't you be happier if you...? Wouldn't people like you better if you...? Wouldn't this hurt less if you...?

Thinking of it that way, I see that condemning myself or someone else for being tempted is like calling every person who's ever been offered marijuana a pothead. I see that sin doesn't come with being asked the question, but with my answer.

Temptation is just a question. Sin is the answer to the question...and so is holiness. Whether I choose sin or holiness depends on whether or not I answer the question the same way God does.

In Deuteronomy 30:19, God puts it this way, "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses." I make this choice again and again, every time I face temptation. With every question I have the power to choose life and holiness or sin and death.

God urges me to choose life.


At 6:41 PM, May 21, 2008, Blogger Bib said...

Amen! How often we become condemned just because we're tempted instead of understanding it (temptation) is just a point of choice.
I'll be seeing you in September


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