Prayer Dare: Day #36
As I was thinking about how to explain the Living Waters training to all of the uninitiated in my life, it occured to me that the training experience was a lot like rehab. People often have a hard time leaving rehab facilities for the outside world, because for all of the unabashed unhealthiness, it becomes a very safe environment. Knowing that everyone around you already knows that you're struggling and they are struggling just like you and aren't trying to hide it is extremely freeing.
There was something so ridiculously honest about it all. There was a wonderful naked-and-unashamedness about being in fellowship with a couple hundred people who stand flatfooted and declare "I'm broken and I need Jesus and I need you to help me see and feel Him." As the leadership was careful to point out it lulls you into a false sense of intimacy, because you're in an environment that is crafted to be safe, where openness is expected, and imperfection is the assumption. And, also, you are surrounded by people who know things about you that your closest friends and family don't know, but probably don't know your last name. Knowing that these people already knew the things that I can occasionally [yes, I know occasionally is a bit of an understatement, but you have to admit I've gotten better] act and omit to cover up, saved me a lot of misspent effort and distancing. All of this extra energy came in very handy for all of the volleyball games, and the relating, and the worship.
I'm sure you knew there was going to be an ask in here somewhere and here it is: Let Your Church and my church be more like that. Let Your Church and my church be a place where people can let their hair down and take off their masks. Let Your Church and my church be a place where we default to the assumption that each person is broken by the world and desperately in need of you and each other. Let Your Church and my church welcome the outcast as "Brother". Let Your Church and my church be a place so unlike the world, so unlike real life that there has to be a disclaimer on the fellowship and the relationship and the intimacy. Let Your Church and my church be a place where worship is that much sweeter and easier, because it doesn't require an extra 10 minutes on the front end for a costume change.
Let Your Bride come lay beside you bearing and baring her sin-scarred body, not hiding it under a negligee that gives only the illusion of nakedness. Let Your Bride come lay beside you bearing and baring her scars, knowing that your touch and kiss alone can heal them.
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