Friday, March 09, 2007

Day Forty

So, God answered my prayer about the LW talk. It went really well. Some things I planned happened, some didn't. The Lord added to my numbers (or words, as the case may be) as he saw fit. It felt good, and I didn't do a whole lot of second guessing, which always feels good.

Work was productive and kind of flew by. A midday meeting followed by a long lunch with my "little brother" helped. It was good to feel like a mentor, again. I'm so proud of the man he's becoming. Today's prayer is that the Lord continues building his heart as a shepherd.

The thing I'm most grateful for is probably the different roles that the Lord allowed me to play in the day: brother, friend, coworker, leader, follower, speaker, listener, example, prophet. I lament my jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none status sometimes, but I do always feel that it's part of God's plan.


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