Thursday, May 04, 2006

Prayer Dare: Day #19

Thank you, God, for being in the buy-back business. There were so many...there are so many things in my life that have strengthened my faith, that have strengthened my relationship with you that could and should have sent me running and hiding from you. The wounds that jacked up nearly every relationship in my life, that kept me delusionally hiding from everyone (including you) to protect a me that never existed, that landed me in Living Waters were meant to kill me. But they have led to more freedom than I could imagine. They have brought me back to life: new life, abundant life. I should be hiding in the bushes searching for fig leaves to sew together, but instead I'm naked and unashamed. You've come strolling through my heart in the cool of the evening and found me broken and wounded, but at our regular meeting place. And you walk with me and you talk with me and you tell me I am your own. You never cease to shock and awe me with your barrage of redemptive miracles. I know that if you could have your perfect will and your perfect way, my life would be perfect from start to finish. But somehow, in your infinite wisdom and power, you can allow me to make mistakes and allow others to make mistakes, toss in some bad luck for good measure, shake well and still pour out a life that is right in line with your plan. I don't know how you do it, but I'm overwhelmed that you do.

I smiling to tears and I never want to stop,


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